
Europa Uomo has 27 member organisations supporting men in Europe who have, or have had, prostate cancer

Supporting member organisations

  • We provide training to our member organisations
  • We help with publicity
  • We lend weight to their advocacy efforts
  • We support the growth of groups
  • We help establish new groups across Europe

Our member organisations feed into Europa Uomo through our General Assembly

It’s been tough having prostate cancer, but all in all my new life is a good life

Our member organisations represent men with prostate cancer in Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands and United Kingdom.

In addition, organisations from Estonia and Malta are currently associate members and supporting members respectively.

This website is available in the language of these countries if you use the “Translate” button at the top of this page.

You can view member organisation newsletters in our resources section.

Our work with members

Stories of Europa Uomo's activity with its member organisations

Full list of our members

All Europa Uomo's member organisations and their contact details

Member activity

Look at our Member News feed to find out what members have been doing

How to become a member

Download information on requirements for membership

New patient groups in Europe

Find out about how Europa Uomo is supporting the growth of new organisations for men with prostate cancer