
21 August 2019

Probably the most important initiative ever launched by the organisation

Europa Uomo invites men with prostate cancer around Europe to take part in what its Board describes as “probably the most important initiative ever launched by the organisation”. The Europa Uomo quality of life survey, launched today, will gather information about the effects experience of prostate cancer and help to fill a significant research gap.

You can access and complete the survey here.

“The quality of life (QoL) of men with prostate cancer has been a big issue with prostate cancer organisations for some time” said Europa Uomo Chair André Deschamps. “This survey is a major step in giving greater prominence to QoL issues for men and their families dealing with the effects of prostate cancer.”

“The success of this on-line survey, however, depends on a strong response rate to the survey by its member organisations in 27 countries.”

The survey asks questions about the impact of prostate cancer and its treatments on daily life. It may be completed by men (or their partners on their behalf) without their having to be members of a national prostate cancer organisation. However, Europe Uomo is depending on its member organisations to circulate the questionnaire widely. A minimum of 1,000 responses is required to have sufficient material to draw meaningful conclusions. These responses need to be drawn from a wide range of respondents from across Europe.

The survey is online only. Anyone without an email account or a computer/tablet/smart phone can use a friend’s device or a public library or other location to complete the survey.

Click here for more information about the survey
Click here to complete the survey