
21 August 2023

Look out for our new survey on shared burden of prostate cancer

Europa Uomo is preparing to launch a new study examining the experiences of partners of men with prostate cancer, measuring the burden that the disease imposes on caregiver lives and defining unmet needs.

The EU-PROPER (Europa Uomo Prostate cancer Partners in Europe Research) study will be centred on a new online survey, due to be available in October. It will be translated into 17 languages and promoted by Europa Uomo member organisations and other international bodies. Look out for the EU-PROPER logo.

“Our EUPROMS surveys have gone some way to identify the burden of prostate cancer on the daily lives of affected men,” says Europa Uomo Chairman Guenther Carl. “But we know from our own experience that the effect on partners and caregivers can be considerable, and it’s important that we know more about that on a European level. If we can find out what would really help partners, it could have a significant impact on the type of support provided after diagnosis.”

If your organisation would like to help in publicising the survey, please contact us at