
19 April 2021

Proposals from EAU and Europa Uomo also being considered by EU

Austrian urologists have adopted the prostate cancer early detection proposals currently being promoted by Europa Uomo and the European Association of Urology as a model for every European country.

The proposals – comprising an algorithm showing who should be given a PSA test, when, and how different groups should be followed up – have been put to European politicians as they consider whether to make recommendations on prostate cancer screening as part of their Beating Cancer Plan.

Now the Austrian Society of Urology has considered the algorithm and decided to implement and promote it as part of their programme. This follows work by the Austrian prostate patients’ organisation, Selbsthilfe Prostatakrebs, to raise awareness of Europe Uomo’s fight for prostate cancer early detection programmes at the European Parliament.

“The Austrian Association on Urology saw the material on our new website and they then discussed early detection and as a result put the algorithm into the Austrian programme,” says Ekkehard Büchler, Chairman of Selbsthilfe Prostatakrebs (pictured). “They will recommend these guidelines strongly to Austrian urologists.”

“I must say I’m very much positively surprised.”

Ekkehard Büchler said that the move would hopefully add further weight to campaigns urging the European Commission to accept the EAU and Europa Uomo proposals.