n° 181 | January 2024
In this issue:

Excellent response to Europa Uomo partners' study

First EU-PROPER results due to be presented in April
24 Jan 2024

National prostate screening programme underway in Czech Republic

Innovative pilot scheme follows new EU recommendation on early detection
12 Jan 2024

Europa Uomo celebrates 20th anniversary

Help us mark two decades of achievement
10 Jan 2024
Prostate Research and Treatments

New blood test to detect neuroendocrine prostate cancer

Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the University of Trento, Italy, have developed a blood test, described in Cancer Discovery, that can reliably detect neuroendocrine prostate cancer and differentiate it from metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Read the full article here.

Is KMI169 a new treatment option for prostate cancer?

A research team from the Medical Faculty at the University of Freiburg has developed an active substance that might present a new treatment option for prostate cancer in the future. The substance, known as KMI169, targets an enzyme that plays an important role in the development of prostate cancer. More studies are needed.

Read more here:

Poland’s rising prostate cancer mortality

Between 2015 and 2020, Poland saw an increase in age-standardised prostate cancer deaths from 4,876 to 5,748, while prostate cancer mortality rates decreased across Europe by 7.1% during that time.
Among others, Tadeusz Wlodarczyk, President of Gladiator – our Polish member organisation – blames the rise on the Polish cancer care system being under pressure.

See full article in Cancerworld here.

New Prostatepedia issue on side effects

NASPCC, the National Alliance of State Prostate Cancer Coalitions, has published a new Prostatepedia issue focusing on side effects, with give experts talking about management strategies. They emphasise the importance of knowing which side effects to expect – and formulating a plan to address them before starting treatment.

News from our members

Europa Uomo Italia: starting a pilot screening program

After a EUPROMS data presentation event, held last November, Europa Uomo Italia Onlus has had two articles published in Corriere della Sera, a leading Italian newspaper:

The year 2024 began with good news for early detection of prostate cancer. Following the European Commission’s new screening recommendation, the Italian Ministry of Health has decided to provide €500,000 to fund a national study to assess the feasibility of a national prostate cancer screening programme. The study will involve several specialists and Europa Uomo Italia representing patients. Europa Uomo Italia has also been involved in setting up a pilot screening project in the Lombardy Region. The new President of Europa Uomo Italia, Claudio Talmelli, is part of the regional working group.

November an important month for PROFO Norway

National Prostate Cancer Day on 2nd November 2nd was the annual conference and meeting place for the Norwegian Prostate Cancer Association (PROFO), attended by specialists, healthcare professionals and decision-makers involved in prostate cancer.

Last year’s programme had three sections with national and international speakers:

  • Early detection of prostate cancer, including a talk on PRAISE-U and smart early detection of prostate cancer by Assistant Professor Lionne Venderbos, Erasmus MC Cancer Registry.
  • HIFU treatment for prostate cancer, including a talk by Professor Daniel Eberli, Zurich University.
  • Quality in treatment

November is also PROFO’s campaign month. The campaign combines humour and seriousness to increase awareness of prostate cancer and raise funds for research. It reaches out to corporate sponsors and partners as well as private individuals.

The campaign also provides media training for local branches, supporting them in raising awareness in all parts of the country through personal stories, op-eds and articles in the local press. The campaign month also includes fundraising runs and walks as well as local meetings and stands. It teams up with a selection of well-known ambassadors who front the campaign visually and help give the campaign a sense of solidarity and humour.


Slovenian group collaborating in awareness raising project

The association of urological patients of Slovenia (named Društvo Uroloških Bolnikov Slovenije), which is a potential new member of Europa Uomo, is a partner in the Uros project, co-financed by the Ministry of Health of Slovenia. The project aims to raise health awareness in local communities about the prevention and management of chronic urological diseases and conditions – continence disorders, urinary tract infections, prostate cancer, risk factors and early detection.

The project promotes the development of new skills for self-learning and knowledge sharing, in order to improve the quality of life of those affected.

It encourages the use of modern technology as a tool to healthy lifestyles, particularly in the older population. Chatbot Uros is available 24/7 and provides those who need health information and services the most – the elderly and the sick – with important help in prevention and disease management.

Expanding the Europa Uomo family in 2024

The Europa Uomo family will get bigger in its 20th anniversary year. It has already received four membership applications which voted on at our next General Assembly in May.

Items of Interest

Astellas' patient partnership report

Reflections from a year of listening, learning, and collaborating, is Astellas’ first Patient Partnerships Annual Report. It highlights the company’s global patient partnerships work in 2022 and 2023, with contributions from patient organisation partners including Europa Uomo.


All previous issues are available on website: www.europa-uomo.org/newsletters/