n° 185 | May 2024
In this issue:

'Screening will cut care costs as well as save lives'

Guenther Carl addresses the Europa Uomo Masterclass in Milan
24 May 2024

Europa Uomo grows in membership and confidence

General Assembly meets in Milan, 20 years after its foundation in the same city
24 May 2024

Europa Uomo has inspired me

Hein Van Poppel, Chair of Policy at the European Association of Urology (EAU) and one of the founders of Europa Uomo, tells what the organisation means to him.

‘It is remarkable how our original priorities remain today’

Europa Uomo celebrated its 20th anniversary in its birthplace, Milan. To mark the occasion, Erik Briers, founder and current Board member, recounts the early years

Prostate Research and Treatments

Lancet commission on prostate cancer

The Lancet Commission on Prostate Cancer is an initiative by The Lancet, one of the world’s leading medical journals, aimed at addressing the complex issues surrounding prostate cancer through a comprehensive and in-depth report.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in 112 countries, and accounts for 15% of cancers. This Commission reports on projections of prostate cancer cases in 2040 on the basis of data for demographic changes worldwide and rising life expectancy. Their findings suggest that the number of new cases annually will rise from 1·4 million in 2020 to 2·9 million by 2040.

Read the article here. Or watch the webcast of their presentation at EAU24


Higher intake of plant foods lowers risk of prostate cancer progression

Cancerworld reports on a study, published in JAMA Network Open, which found that men diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer who had a high intake of plant-based foods had a 47% lower risk of progression.

Our Vice Chairman, Erik Briers, commented in the article that dietary advice given to European prostate cancer patients is mostly down to the personal initiative of the urologist or nurse specialist.

You can read the article here.

Europa Uomo News

New Board for Europa Uomo

At the Europa Uomo AGM 2024, the Board of Europa Uomo changed.

Cosimo Pieri (Italy) has decided not to stand up for a second term and leaves the Board. Erik Briers (Belgium) and Tania Estapé (Spain) were both elected for a second three-year term. Kees Vos (Netherlands) was elected for a first term on the Board.

The new Board 2024-2025 is:
Chairman: Ernst-Günther Carl (Germany)
Secretary: Steven Lerys (France)
Treasurer: Ioannis Vanezos (Cyprus)
Vice Chairman: Erik Briers (Belgium)
Vice Chairman: Nils Petter Sjøholt (Norway)
Board member: Marko Koivuneva (Finland)
Board member: Tania Estapé (Spain)
Board member: Paulius Rakstys (Lithuania)
Board member: Kees Vos (Netherlands)

Ex-Officio members:
André Deschamps (Belgium, Past-chairman – advisor to the Board)
Alberto Costa (Switzerland/Italy, ESO)
Simon Crompton (UK, Communication advisor)
Hein Van Poppel (Belgium, EAU)


Europa Uomo's chatbot online

The Europa Uomo chatbot is now available on our website. You can access it by clicking on the dialogue box at the bottom right of every page.

The chatbot, available in 98 languages, is based on the EAU guidelines on prostate cancer and gives scientifically substantiated answers to questions about prostate cancer. However, it does not replace a consultation with a specialist.

Please try out the chatbot, and let us know what you think. info@europa-uomo.org


Registration for the Europa Uomo Summer School is open now!

The Europa Uomo Summer School is a one-week training programme to help Europa Uomo members become expert patient advocates. The sessions will be run by a high-level panel of prostate cancer experts in the field, and experienced patient advocates.

The event is being held in Brussels, Belgium on 1st-6th September 2024.

Each Europa Uomo member organisation should identify up to two candidates via the registration page. The Europa Uomo Board will then consider applications, select appropriate candidates to attend and inform them of their registration.

More information here.



Our Annual Report 2023/24 is available

After a successful General Assembly meeting in Milan, the Europa Uomo Annual Report 2023/24 is available here.

Items of Interest

How do patient groups see the performance of pharma companies?

PatientView, a UK-based research, publishing, and consultancy group, has surveyed patient groups about their attitudes to the pharmaceutical industry. The latest global publication, gives a view on how patient organisations are viewing the performance of both the industry and individual pharma companies. Europa Uomo has been taking part in these surveys.

You can read the Patient Summary of “The Corporate Reputation of Pharma, 2023: How patient-group perceptions of pharma are evolving rapidly” here.


All previous issues are available on website: www.europa-uomo.org/newsletters/