n° 175 | July 2023
In this issue:

What are the barriers to prostate cancer early detection?

New survey as part of PRAISE-U project
19 Jul 2023

A new resource to campaign and raise awareness

Updated EUPROMS PowerPoints available in 17 languages
13 Jul 2023

What matters most to patients?

Europa Uomo’s André Deschamps stresses the need to collect accurate data
7 Jul 2023
Prostate Research and Treatments

Risk of falls with second-generation antiandrogens

Second-generation antiandrogens (abiraterone, apalutamide, darolutamide, and enzalutamide) are a cornerstone of modern prostate cancer treatment, improving outcomes and survival. However, a new systematic review says that these drugs come with a substantial risk of cognitive problems and fatigue and increase the risk of falls by 87%.

The study was published in JAMA Oncology.

Which mHSPC patients benefit from docetaxel?

Adding docetaxel to androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) improves survival in patients with metastatic, hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, but uncertainty remains about who benefits most.

A new review aims to obtain up-to-date estimates of the overall effects of docetaxel and to assess whether these effects varied according to characteristics of the patients or their tumours. It concludes that the addition of docetaxel to hormone therapy is best suited to patients with poorer prognosis for metastatic, hormone-sensitive prostate cancer based on a high volume of disease and potentially the size of the primary tumour.

Read the article here.

Europa Uomo News

Decisions of the last Board meeting

* Summerschool 2024:
To encourage our members obtaining actual know how about prostate cancer decease, the Board decided to organize the summerschool in the beginning of September 2024 for maximum 30 Europa Uomo members financed by Europa Uomo.
A minimum of 3 different sponsors (€40.000 each, total €120.000) will be sought for this purpose and we are positively on the way to achieve this goal.
If necessary we will talk if much more applications are received.

* EU-PROPER (caregivers survey):
The EU-PROPER survey is in its final testing phase where a group of ladies tested the questionnaire and made comments. Once all comments have been discussed by the EU-PROPER team, the final questionnaire can be translated into the different languages. The launch of this survey is planned for October 2023, dissemination as usual by Erasmus Rotterdam and we plan to publish first results in 2024 latest at the EAU congress in Paris.

Items of Interest

Multi-cancer early detection blood test speeds up cancer diagnosis

Cancerworld magazine reports on a study showing that multi-cancer early detection (MCED) tests in symptomatic patients are feasible in routine clinical practice. The MCED Galleri test was 85% accurate in detecting the source of the cancer.
The findings from the study suggest the test could be used to support GPs in making clinical assessments. However, more research is needed in a larger trial to see if it could improve GP assessment and ultimately patient outcomes.

Read the article, published in Cancerworld, here.

Patient-centred care is a key message for the EAU Patient Office

The EAU Patient Office, established in 2021, tries to identify patient needs from across Europe and offer online patient education tools.

According to Kevin Mcbride, Communications Coordinator for the EAU Patient Office, patient-centred care not only improves the patient experience but also patient outcomes. Patients can be empowered to take up an active role when they are provided with adequate knowledge and resources about their condition.

One of the ongoing projects of the Patient Office is language-tailored versions of the Patient Information website, where patients can view the information in their own language.

Read the article by Kevin Mcbride  in European Urology Today here.



All previous issues are available on website: www.europa-uomo.org/newsletters/