n° 184 | April 2024
In this issue:

Prostate cancer partners not getting the information they need

First results from Europa Uomo’s innovative study into couples’ quality of life
7 Apr 2024

Individually tailored screening in Europe is the answer...

Europa Uomo contributes to major session on early detection at EAU Congress
6 Apr 2024

Advocacy award for Erik Briers

Contribution of Europa Uomo’s Vice Chairman recognised by urologists
5 Apr 2024

New EU mandate is 'prime opportunity' for change

MEPs urged to act in article by prostate cancer expert group
4 Apr 2024
Prostate Research and Treatments

New research on combating drug-resistant prostate cancer

A Finnish study on the significance of the glucocorticoid receptor in drug-resistant prostate cancer shows that the development of drug resistance could be prevented by limiting the activity of coregulator proteins. Recent studies have shown that the glucocorticoid receptor also has a cancer-promoting effect in prostate cancer.

Read the full article here.

Update of EAU prostate cancer guidelines

The Prostate Cancer (PCa) Guidelines Panel of the European Association of Urology (EAU), of which Europa Uomo’s  Erik Briers is a member, has updated the EAU prostate cancer guidelines. The full and pocket (abridged) versions for 2024 are available here.

EAU Congress Coverage

Are we poised for screening?

Europa Uomo’s Chairman, Günter Carl, was a contributor to a plenary session discussing the best ways forward for prostate cancer screening at the EAU Congress in Paris (reported by Europa Uomo above). You can read the EAU’s own report from the session here.

TV panel discussions featuring Europa Uomo

Erik Briers and André Deschamps participated in expert panel discussions recorded for EAUTV at the EAU Congress in Paris. You can view the discussions via the links below

  1. Advanced Prostate Cancer‘ with Erik Briers.
  2. Prostate Cancer early detection and screening‘ with André Deschamps.
Europa Uomo News

Shared decision making - new Europa Uomo survey on the way

The theme of this year’s Patient Day at the EAU Congress was shared decision-making (read EAU coverage here). This reflects significant interest in the topic from patient and professional organisations including Europa Uomo.

The Board of Europa Uomo has decided to develop a new study on this topic, based on an online survey. Work will begin on this project after the General Assembly, and it will be launched in October 2024.

Europa Uomo's chatbot

Europa Uomo is planning to utilise a  “chatbot” helper,  based on ChatGPT 3.5,  on the Europa Uomo website. It will provide answers to questions about prostate cancer based on the European Association of Urology guidelines.  It is hoped that the chatbot will provide information in various languages, and will become available in time for the Europa Uomo General Assembly meeting in May.

Items of Interest

PATIOspots: Let’s spot quality of life together

Our Austrian member, Leopold Pecenka, pointed us to the ‘PATIOSpots’ app, a project started by the Ludwig Boltmann Institute in Vienna. We see that our late friend, Ekke Büchler, gave the starting signal for this.

With PATIOSpots you can easily find “spots” in your vicinity that may improve your quality of life:  facilities such as toilets, sanitary product shops, physiotherapists.

The app is available in German and English. The more PATIOSpots people create, the more use the app will be to everybody. Go to the PATIOSpots website.


The UCSF/URO Prostate Cancer Journal Club

The Prostate Cancer Journal Club for Patients, hosted by UroToday, the Prostate Cancer Foundation, and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Patient Advocates, offers an opportunity for patients to hear directly from investigators about groundbreaking research, avoiding medical jargon and focusing on direct impact on patients’ treatments.

The upcoming virtual Club meeting on Tuesday, May 14th, at 11 PM CEST will host study authors Stephen J. Freedland, M.D., Neal D. Shore, M.D., and Rana McKay, MD who will discuss game-changing findings from the EMBARK clinical trial for patients with high risk disease and a rapidly rising PSA after primary therapy. The study is particularly interesting because it’s a phase 3 trial that includes Enzalutamide monotherapy (without ADT) as one of the study arms.

Register here for this free webinar.

Video recordings of previous webinar, describing a 15 year randomized trial comparing surgery, radiation, and active surveillance, is available here, and the patient Q&A is available here.


All previous issues are available on website: www.europa-uomo.org/newsletters/