n°177 | September 2023
In this issue:

Focus on incontinence in Urology Week

Up to 45% of Europeans have been incontinent in past 12 months, says EAU
25 Sep 2023

New prostate cancer treatment guide from EAU

‘Cheat sheet’ of treatment pathways now available
20 Sep 2023

Exercise can improve sexual dysfunction after treatment

Australian clinical trials shows improvement in erectile function
8 Sep 2023

Prostate cancer diagnoses on the rise among under-50s

New study says PSA testing may have contributed to increase
7 Sep 2023
Prostate Research and Treatments

What is the effect of a longer PSA doubling time?

The Future Science Group has recently published a plain language summary of a real-world study describing the effect of rapidly rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels on how long men with advanced prostate cancer live and their healthcare costs.

In the study, researchers found that men with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer lived longer and had lower healthcare costs if they had a long PSA doubling time of more than 12 months compared with men who had a shorter PSA doubling time.

You can read the full article and plain language summary here.

Genetic and genomic testing for prostate cancer

NASPCC, the National Alliance of State Prostate Cancer Coalitions in the United States, has published a new Prostatepedia issue on ‘Testing: Genetics and Genomics‘.

This issue focuses on how genetic and genomic testing is transforming our approach to prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment.

PRAISE-U: Van Poppel presents to the EU Commission

In a new video, Professor Hein Van Poppel, project coordinator of the European PRAISE-U screening project, presents its aims and approach to the European Commission. The video and more information about the ongoing projects co-funded under the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan are available here.

Incontinence causes high costs for European society

In an EAU press release on Urology Week 2023, new international research on the economic burden of urinary incontinence reveals that the cost of continence care will cost over 40 billion Euros in 2023. These costs include the impact of incontinence on individuals’ health, the costs of medical consultations and products such as continence pads, incontinence-related absenteeism at work, nursing home admissions, and the environmental impact of incontinence care.

Europa Uomo News

EU-PROPER survey ready to be launched

Look out for the launch of our EU-PROPER study in the next few weeks. Via a survey, the study will examine the experiences of partners of men with prostate cancer, measuring the burden that the disease imposes on caregiver lives and defining unmet needs.

Save the dates: Europa Uomo meetings in 2024

The Annual General Meeting of Europa Uomo will take place on 23-26 May, 2024 in Milan, Italy. Board Europa Uomo to arrive on 22 May.

The first Europa Uomo Summer School will take place on 1-6 September, 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.

More details on both meeting will follow.

Items of Interest

Mediterranean lifestyles lower cancer mortality

An article in Cancerworld highlights a study showing that UK adults who adopt a Mediterranean lifestyle have a 29% lower risk of all-cause mortality and 28% lower risk of cancer mortality.

This study suggests that it is possible for non-Mediterranean populations to adopt the Mediterranean diet using locally available products and to adopt the overall Mediterranean lifestyle within their own cultural contexts.

Boys needs bins

Prostate Cancer UK has launched its BoysNeedBins report, ‘Lifting the lid on male incontinence‘. It is campaigning for men to have access to sanitary bins in male toilets so that they can safely dispose of sanitary waste with dignity.

ASPI webinar: Applied research and lifestyles and low-risk prostate cancer

Active Surveillance Patients International (ASPI) is sponsoring a webinar on “Applied Research and Lifestyles and Low-Risk Prostate Cancer” on Saturday, 30 September at 6-7:30 pm CET.

Click here for more information and registration.


All previous issues are available on website: www.europa-uomo.org/newsletters/